Prasad Calyam
Curators' Distinguished Professor and CERI Center Director
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Missouri-Columbia
Office Phone: (573)-882-9747
E-mail: calyamp AT
[Peer-reviewed Publications] [Technical Whitepapers] [Presentations]
C. Qu, F. Sorbelli, R. Singh, P. Calyam, S. Das, “Environmentally-Aware and Energy-Efficient Multi-Drone Coordination and Networking for Disaster Response”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2023. Impact Factor: 5.3
A. Esquivel Morel, P. Calyam, C. Qu, C.Wang, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, E. Lyons, M. Zink, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, “FlyNet: Drones on the Horizon”, IEEE Internet Computing, 2023.
K. Muniasamy, R. Chadha, P. Calyam, M. Sethumadhavan, “Analyzing Component Composability of Cloud Security Solutions”, IEEE Access, 2023. Impact Factor: 3.9
Z. Xu, F. Tian, J. Zhou, C. Bromfield, T. Lim, T. Safranski, Z. Yan, P. Calyam, “Posture identification for stall-housed sows around estrus using a robotic imaging system”, Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023. Impact Factor: 8.3
E. Sagatov, S. Mayhoub, A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, “Countering DNS Amplification Attacks based on Analysis of Outgoing Traffic”, Springer Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2023.
K. Singh, S. Li, I. Jahnke, M. Alarcon Lemus, A. Mosa, P. Calyam, “Improving Big Data Governance in Healthcare Institutions: User Experience Research of an Honest Broker based Healthcare Big Data Access System”, Behaviour & Information Technology Journal, 2023.
S. Valluripally, B. Frailey, B. Kruse, B. Palipatana, R. Oruche, A. Gulhane, K. Hoque, P. Calyam, “Detection of Security and Privacy Attacks Disrupting User Immersive Experience in Virtual Reality Learning Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2022.
A. Pandey, P. Calyam, Z. Lyu, S. Wang, D. Chemodanov, T. Joshi, “Knowledge-Engineered Multi-Cloud Resource Brokering for Application Workflow Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2022.
S. Purohit, R. Neupane, N. Bhamidipati, V. Vakkavanthula, S. Wang, M. Rockey, P. Calyam, “Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing for Co-operative Defense in Multi-domain Entities”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2022.
R. Oruche, E. Milman, M. Lemus, X. Cheng, A. Pandey, S. Wang, P. Calyam, K. Kee, “Chatbot-assisted Plug-in Management Middleware for Programmable Science Gateways”, Wiley Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2022.
S. Valluripally, A. Gulhane, K. A. Hoque, P. Calyam, “Modeling and Defense of Social Virtual Reality Attacks Inducing Cybersickness”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2021.
Y. Zhang, P. Calyam, T. Joshi, S. Nair, D. Xu, “Domain-specific Topic Model for Knowledge Discovery in Computational and Data-Intensive Scientific Communities”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2021.
K. Vekaria, P. Calyam, S. Wang, R. Payyavula, M. Rockey, N. Ahmed, “Cyber Range for Research-Inspired Learning of ‘Attack Defense by Pretense’ Principle and Practice”, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT), 2021.
R. Singh, C. Qu, A. Esquivel Morel, P. Calyam, “Localization and Trajectory Optimization in Multi-UAV Applications”, Book Chapter for ‘Intelligent Unmanned Air Vehicles for Public Safety Networks’, Springer ‘Unmanned System Technologies’ Book Series publication, 2021.
K. Nimmy, S. Sankaran, K. Achuthan, P. Calyam, “Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Remote User Authentication for Smart Homes”, IEEE Access, 2021.
K. Singh, I. Jahnke, A. Mosa, P. Calyam, “The Winding Road of Requesting Healthcare Data for Analytics Purposes: Using the One-Interview Mental Model Method for Improving Services of Health Data Governance and Big Data Request Processes”, Journal of Business Analytics, 2021.
K. Kee. P. Calyam, H. Regunath, “The Role of Vidura Chatbot in the Diffusion of KnowCOVID-19 Gateway”, Human-Machine Communication, 2021.
T. Hajilounezhad, R. Bao, K. Palaniappan, F. Bunyak, P. Calyam, M. Maschmann, “Predicting Carbon Nanotube Forest Synthesis Attributes and Mechanical Properties Using High-Throughput Simulation and Deep Learning”, npj Computational Materials, 2021.
C. Qu, P. Calyam, J. Yu, A. Vandanapu, O. Opeoluwa, K. Gao, S. Wang, R. Chastain, K. Palaniappan, “DroneCOCoNet: Learning-based Edge Computation Offloading and Control Networking for Drone Video Analytics”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2021.
R. Oruche, V. Gundlapalli, A. Biswal, P. Calyam, M. Lemus Alarcon, Y. Zhang, N. Bhamidipati, A. Malladi, H. Regunath, “Evidence-based Recommender System for a COVID-19 Publication Analytics Service”, IEEE Access, 2021.
S. Purohit, P. Calyam, M. Lemus, N. Bhamidipati, A. Mosa, K. Salah, “HonestChain: Consortium Blockchain for Protected Data Sharing in Health Information Systems”, Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), 2021.
M. Lemus, R. Oruche, A. Pandey, P. Calyam, “Cloud-based Data Pipeline Orchestration Platform for COVID-19 Evidence-based Analytics”, Book Chapter for ‘Novel AI and Data Science Advancements for Sustainability in the Era of COVID-19’ - Elsevier book publication (In Press), 2021.
J. Patman, D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Predictive Cyber Foraging for Visual Cloud Computing in Large-scale IoT Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2020.
K. Vekaria, P. Calyam, S. Sivarathri, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Pandey, C. Chen, D. Xu, T. Joshi, S. Nair, “Recommender-as-a-Service with Chatbot Guided Domain-science Knowledge Discovery in a Science Gateway”, Wiley Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2020.
P. Calyam, N. Wilkins-Diehr, M. Miller, E. Brookes, R. Arora, A. Chourasia, D. Jennewein, V. Nandigam, M. LaMar, S. Cleveland, G. Newman, S. Wang, I. Zaslavsky, M. Cianfrocoo, K. Ellett, D. Tarboton, K. Jeffery, Z. Zhao, J. Gonzalez-Aranda, M. Perri, G. Tucker, L Candela, T. Kiss, S. Gesing, “Measuring Success for a Future Vision: Defining Impact in Science Gateways/Virtual Research Environments”, Wiley Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2020.
J. Patman, D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Predictive Cyber Foraging for Visual Cloud Computing in Large-scale IoT Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2020.
S. Nuguri, P. Calyam, R. Oruche, A. Gulhane, S. Valluripally, J. Stichter, Z. He, “vSocial: A Cloud-based System for Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications in Special Education”, Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020.
S. Debroy, P. Calyam, M. Nguyen, R. Neupane, B. Mukherjee, A. Eeralla, K. Salah, “Frequency-Minimal Utility-Maximal Moving Target Defense against DDoS in SDN-based Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2020.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, F. Esposito, R. McGarvey, K. Palaniappan, A. Pescape, “A Near Optimal Reliable Orchestration Approach for Geo-Distributed Latency-Sensitive SFCs”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 2020.
D. Chemodanov, F. Esposito, P. Calyam, A. Sukhov, “REBATE: a REpulsive-BAsed Traffic Engineering Protocol for Dynamic Scale-Free Networks”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2020.
R. Bazan Antequera, P. Calyam, A. Chandrashekara, R. Mitra, “Recommending Heterogeneous Resources for Science Gateway Applications based on Custom Templates Composition”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) – Special Issue on Science Gateways, 2019.
S. Valluripally, M. Raju, P. Calyam, M. Lemus, S. Purohit, A. Mosa, T. Joshi, “Increasing Protected Data Accessibility for Age-Related Cataract Research Using a Semi-Automated Honest Broker”, Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology, 2019.
K. Park, E. Cheng, K. Meiss, J. Burchard, L. Guerdan, J. Gillis, D. Weber, P. Calyam, S. Ahmad, “Real-time Geotracking and Cataloging of Mass Casualty Incident Markers in a Search and Rescue Training Simulation: Pilot Study”, American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2019.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, “Fog Computing to enable Geospatial Video Analytics for Disaster Situational Awareness”, Book Chapter for ‘Fog Computing: Theory and Practice’, Wiley Press Book, 2019.
J. Wang, J. Pan, F. Esposito, P. Calyam, Z. Yang, P. Mohapatra, “Edge Cloud Offloading Algorithms: Issues, Methods, and Perspectives”, ACM Computing Surveys, 2019.
R. Neupane, T. Neely, P. Calyam, N. Chettri, M. Vassell, R. Durairajan, “Intelligent Defense using Pretense against Targeted Attacks in Cloud Platforms”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) – Special Issue on Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics, 2019.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, S. Valluripally, H. Trinh, J. Patman, K. Palaniappan, “On QoE-oriented Cloud Service Orchestration for Application Providers”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2018.
H. Trinh, P. Calyam, D. Chemodanov, S. Yao, Q. Lei, F. Gao, K. Palaniappan, “Energy-aware Mobile Edge Computing and Routing for Low-latency Visual Data Processing”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) – Special Issue on Multimedia Big Data for Extreme Events, 2018.
D. Chemodanov, F. Esposito, P. Calyam, A. Sukhov, “On Constrained Shortest Path for Virtual Network Service Management”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2018.
M. Dickinson, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, S. Valluripally, Y. Zhang, R. Antequera, T. Joshi, T. White, D. Xu, “Multi-cloud Performance and Security Driven Federated Workflow Management”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2018.
Y. Zhang, P. Calyam, S. Debroy, S. Nuguri, “Social Plane for Recommenders in Network Performance Expectation Management”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) - Special Issue on Big Data Analytics for Network Management, 2018.
I. Baldin, J. Griffioen, K. C. Wang, P. Calyam, C. Elliot, et. al., “The Future of Distributed Network Research Infrastructure”, ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR) – Editorial Note, 2018.
B. Mukherjee, S. Wang, W. Lu, R. Neupane, D. Dunn, Y. Ren, Q. Su, P. Calyam, “Flexible IoT Security Middleware for End-to-End Cloud-Fog Communication”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) – Special Issue on Internet of Things (IoT): Operating System, Applications and Protocols Design, and Validation Techniques, 2018.
D. Chemodanov, F. Esposito, A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, H. Trinh, Z. Oraibi, “AGRA: AI-augmented Geographic Routing Approach for IoT-based Incident-Supporting Applications”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) – Special Issue on Information and Resource Management Systems for Internet of Things, 2017.
R. Akella, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, A. Berryman, T. Zhu, M. Sridharan, “Security Middleground for Resource Protection in Measurement Infrastructure-as-a-Service”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2017.
F. Demir, S. Ahmad, P. Calyam, D. Jiang, R. Huang, I. Jahnke, “A Next-Generation Augmented Reality Platform for Mass Casualty Incidents”, Journal of Usability Studies, 2017.
R. Bazan Antequera, P. Calyam, S. Debroy, L. Cui, S. Seetharam, M. Dickinson, T. Joshi, D. Xu, T. Beyene, “ADON: Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a-Service for Data-Intensive Science”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017.
P. Calyam, I. Jahnke, A. Mishra, R. Bazan Antequera, D. Chemodanov, M. Skubic, “Towards an ElderCare Living Lab for Sensor-based Health Assessment and Physical Therapy”, IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine, 2017.
K. Salah, P. Calyam, R. Boutaba, “Analytical Model for Elastic Scaling of Cloud-based Firewalls”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2017.
Y. Zhang, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, “Network-wide Anomaly Event Detection and Certainty Diagnosis”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management - Special Issue on Big Data Analytics for Network Management, 2016.
P. Calyam, D. Chemodanov, R. Gargees, B. Morago, R. Pelapur, Z. Oraibi, Y. Duan, G. Seetharaman, K. Palaniappan, “Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology - Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing, 2016.
Y. Liu, S. Khan, J. Wang, M. Rynge, Y. Zhang, S. Zeng, S. Chen, J. Maldonado, B. Valliyodan, P. Calyam, N. Merchant, H. Nguyen, D. Xu, T. Joshi, “PGen: Large-Scale Pegasus Workflow for Genomic Variation Analysis in SoyKB”, BMC Bioinformatics, 2016.
P. Calyam, G. Ricart, “Research and Infrastructure Challenges for Applications and Services in the Year 2021”, ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR) – Editorial Note based on NSF-sponsored Workshop findings, 2016.
S. Khambhampati, P. Calyam, X. Zhang, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for a Capacitated Clustering Problem”, To Appear in International Journal of Operational Research, 2016.
P. Calyam, A. Mishra, R. Bazan Antequera, D. Chemodanov, A. Berryman, K. Zhu, C. Abbott, M. Skubic, “Synchronous Big Data Analytics for Personalized and Remote Physical Therapy”, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing – Special Issue on Big Data Analytics for Smarter Health Care, 2015.
P. Calyam, M. Swany, “Research Challenges in Future Multi-domain Network Performance Measurement and Monitoring”, ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR) – Editorial Note based on NSF-sponsored Workshop findings, 2015.
S. Debroy, P. Calyam, M. Dickinson, “Orchestrating Science DMZs for Big Data Acceleration: Challenges and Approaches”, Book Chapter for ‘Networking for Big Data’, CRC Press Book ISBN 9781482263497, 2015.
M. Charalambides, T. Zinner, H. Saito, P. Calyam, S. Latre, “Advances in Management of Multimedia Services”, Wiley International Journal on Network Management – Special Issue Guest Editorial, 2015.
P. Calyam, L. Kumarasamy, C. -G. Lee, F. Ozguner, “Ontology-based Semantic Priority Scheduling for Multi-domain Active Measurements”, Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM) - Special Issue on Management of Federations and Cooperative Management, 2014.
P. Calyam, S. Rajagopalan, S. Seetharam, A. Selvadhurai, K. Salah, R. Ramnath, “VDC-Analyst: Design and Verification of Virtual Desktop Cloud Resource Allocations”, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (COMNET), 2014.
P. Calyam, C. Dovrolis, L. Jorgenson, R. Kettimuthu, B. Tierney, J. Zurawski, “Monitoring and Troubleshooting Multi-domain Networks using Measurement Federations: Part 2”, IEEE Communications Magazine - Feature Topic Guest Editorial, 2014.
P. Calyam, M. Dhanapalan, M. Sridharan, A. Krishnamurthy, R. Ramnath, “Topology-Aware Correlated Network Anomaly Event Detection and Diagnosis”, Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM) - Special Issue on Data Mining for Monitoring and Managing Systems and Networks, 2013.
P. Calyam, C. Dovrolis, L. Jorgenson, R. Kettimuthu, B. Tierney, J. Zurawski, “Monitoring and Troubleshooting Multi-domain Networks using Measurement Federations”, IEEE Communications Magazine - Feature Topic Guest Editorial, 2013.
Y. Xu, P. Calyam, D. Welling, S. Mohan, A. Berryman, R. Ramnath, “Human-centric Composite Quality Modeling and Assessment for Virtual Desktop Clouds”, ZTE Communications Journal - Special Issue on QoE Modeling and Applications for Multimedia Systems (Invited Paper), 2013.
P. Calyam, A. Berryman, D. Welling, S. Mohan, R. Ramnath, J. Ramnathan, “VDPilot: Feasibility Study of Hosting Virtual Desktops for Classroom Labs within a Federated University System”, International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2013.
T. Bitterman, P. Calyam, A. Berryman, D. Hudak, D. Zhang, D. Cai, L. Lee, C. Lee, A. Chalker, S. Gordon, R. Ramnath, “Simulation-as-a-Service (SMaaS): A Cloud-Based Framework to Support the Educational Use of Scientific Software”, International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2013.
P. Calyam, A. Berryman, A Lai, M. Honigford, “VMLab: Infrastructure to Support Desktop Virtualization Experiments for Research and Education”, VMware Technical Journal (Invited Paper), 2012.
P. Calyam, R. Patali, A. Berryman, A. Lai, R. Ramnath, “Utility-directed Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds”, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (COMNET), 2011.
P. Calyam, M. Sridharan, Y. Xu, K. Zhu, A. Berryman, R. Patali, “Enabling Performance Intelligence for Application Adaptation in the Future Internet”, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), 2011.
P. Calyam, P. Chandrasekaran, G. Trueb, N. Howes, R. Ramnath, “Multi-Resolution Multimedia QoE Models for IPTV Applications”, International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (IJDMB), 2011.
D. Hudak, D. Stredney, P. Calyam, K. Wohlever, T. Bitterman, B. Hittle, T. Kerwin, A. Krishnamurthy, “Enabling Data-Intensive Biomedical Science: Gaps, Opportunities, and Challenges”, OMICS Journal of Integrative Biology, 2011.
P. Calyam, G. Trueb, N. Howes, “Evaluation of Gatekeeper Proxies for Firewall Traversal in Secure Videoconferencing Systems”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology’s special Issue on Recent Advances in Network Security Attacks and Defenses, 2009.
W. Yu, X. Wang, P. Calyam, D. Xuan, W. Zhao, “Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2009.
P. Calyam, A. Kalash, R. Gopalan, S. Gopalan, A. Krishnamurthy, “RICE: An Efficient and Reliable Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment”, Journal of Advances in Multimedia’s special issue on Multimedia Immersive Technologies and Networking, 2008.
P. Calyam, E. Ekici, C. G. Lee, M. Haffner, N. Howes, “A "GAP-Model" based Framework for Online VVoIP QoE Measurement”, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), 2007.
P. Calyam, C.G.Lee, E. Ekici, M. Haffner, N. Howes, “Orchestrating Network-wide Active Measurements for Supporting Distributed Computing Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Computers Journal (TC), 2006.
K. Salah, P. Calyam, M. Buhari, “Assessing Readiness of IP Networks to Support Desktop Videoconferencing using OPNET”, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 2006.
P. Calyam, C.G. Lee, “Characterizing Voice and Video Traffic Behavior on the Internet”, Published by Imperial College Press in a special edition of "Advances in Computer Science and Engineering" Book Series, 2005.
A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, W. Daly, A. Illin, “Towards an Analytical Model for characterizing behaviour of High-speed VVoIP Applications", Computational Methods in Science and Technology Journal (Volume 11(2)), 2005.
C. Qu, R. Singh, Sharan Srinivas, P. Calyam, “Environmentally-Aware Robotic Vehicle Networks Routing Computation for Last-mile Deliveries”, IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) (Invited Paper), 2023.
X. Cheng, Y. Zhang, H. Joshi, M. Kejriwal, P. Calyam, “Knowledge Graph-based Embedding for Connecting Scholars in Academic Social Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2023.
K. Neupane, H. Yeddulapalli, A. Kambhampati, X. Cheng, R. Neupane, E. Kung, A. Rinehart, P. Calyam, “Automation of News Content Curation and Storytelling for Local Newsrooms”, IEEE International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW), 2023.
V. Anand, N. Bolton, P. Calyam, R. Chadha, R. Raj, S. Mishra, “Enhancing Computing Curricular Outcomes and Student Accomplishments Through Collegiate Competitions”, ACM Conference on Global Computing Education (CompEd), 2023.
K. Neupane, A. Hans, A. Lee, R. Criswell, K. Palaniappan, Y. Duan, P. Calyam, “Experiences with a Virtual Reality System for Immersive Decision Making and Learning”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2023.
P. Calyam, M. Kejriwal, P. Rao, J.Cheng, W. Wang, L. Bai, S. Nadendla, S. Madria, M. Yu, S. Das, R. Chadha, K. Hoque, K. Palaniappan, B. Othmane, O. Loginova, K. Neupane, R. Neupane, S. Gandhari, V. Anand, N. Bolton, B. Robertson, P. Buzzanell, K. Kee, H. Taneja, M. Singhal, B. Bhargava, “Towards a Domain-Agnostic Knowledge Graph-as-a-Service Infrastructure for Active Cyber Defense with Intelligent Agents”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2023.
D. Chapell, E. Shang, T. Kucukpinar, J. Fraser, J. Collins, K. Palaniappan, P. Calyam, V. Sagan, “NeRF-based 3D Reconstruction and Orthographic Novel-View Synthesis Experiments Using City-Scale Aerial Images”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2023.
S. Poduvu, S. Esfahani, E. Ufuktepe, A. Morel, P. Calyam, “Risk-based Zero Trust Scale for Tactical Edge Network Environments”, IEEE Trustworthy Edge Computing Workshop organized in Conjunction with ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 2023.
M. Goni, R. Oruche, M. Uddin, O. Lawal, Pr. Calyam, K. Kee, “User Competence Metrics for Cyberinfrastructure: The Case of KnowCOVID-19 Science Gateway”, Metrics, 2023.
R. Neupane, K. Neupane, H. Yeddulapalli, P. Calyam, “Evaluating Impact of an Online Self-Service Learning Platform for Application-Inspired Cloud DevOps Curriculum”, Metrics, 2023.
A. Grote, E. Lyons, K. Thareja, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, P. Calyam, M. Zink, “FlyPaw: Optimized Route Planning for Scientific UAV Missions”, IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 2023.
N. Nguyen, R. Surya, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, M. Maschmann, F. Bunyak, “CNT-NeRF: Carbon Nanotube Forest Depth Layer Decomposition in SEM Imagery Using Generative Adversarial Networks”, IEEE Workshop on Light Fields for Computer Vision LFNAT: New Applications and Trends in Light Fields (LFNAT), 2023.
A. Esquivel Morel, D. Gafurov, M. Miller, A. Ramachandran, P. Calyam, “Transmitting Information with Global-designation of Emergency Routes for Edge Video Processing”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations & Management Symposium (NOMS), 2023.
A. Esquivel Morel, E. Ufuktepe, C. Grant, S. Elfrink, C. Qu, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Trust Quantification in a Collaborative Drone System with Intelligence-driven Edge Routing”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2023.
A. Esquivel Morel, D. Gafurov, P. Calyam, C.Wang, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, E. Lyons, M. Zink, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, “Experiments on Network Services for Video Transmission using FABRIC Instrument Resources”, IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT), Best Paper Award Winner, 2023.
R. Neupane, T. Zobrist, K. Neupane, S. Bedford, S. Prabhudev, T. Haughton, J. Pan, P. Calyam, “CICADA: Cloud-based Intelligent Classification and Active Defense Approach for IoT Security”, IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI), 2023.
A. Esquivel Morel, P. Calyam, C. Qu, D. Gafurov, C.Wang, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, E. Lyons, M. Zink, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, “Network Services Management using Programmable Data Planes for Visual Cloud Computing”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2023.
R. Neupane, P. Bhandari, P. Calyam, R. Mitra, “SGChain: Blockchain Platform for Availability Attack Mitigation in Smart Grid Environments”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2023.
O. Elsaid, R. Criswell, O. Edo-Ohanba, R. Kundu, P. Calyam, K. Hoque, “VR-LENS: Super Learning-based Cybersickness Detection and Explainable AI-Guided Deployment in Virtual Reality”, ACM Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2023.
M. Lemus, S. Wang, N. Nguyen, A. Pandey, F. Bunyak, M. Maschmann, K. Palaniappan, P. Calyam, “Remote Instrumentation Science Environment for Intelligent Image Analytics”, IEEE International e-Science Conference (e-Science), 2022.
C. Qu, J. Boubin, D. Gafurov, J. Zhou, N. Aloysius, H. Nguyen, P. Calyam, “UAV Swarms in Smart Agriculture: Experiences and Opportunities”, IEEE International e-Science Conference (e-Science), 2022.
R. Kundu, R. Islam, P. Calyam, K. Hoque, “TruVR: Trustworthy Cybersickness Detection using Explainable Machine Learning”, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2022.
M. Lemus, M. Nguyen, A. Pandey, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, “VECFlex: Reconfigurability and Scalability for Trustworthy Volunteer Edge-Cloud supporting Data-intensive Scientific Computing”, IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) (Short Paper), 2022.
B. Hall, J. Kessler, O. Edo-Ohanba, J. Collins, H. Zhang, N. Allegreti, Y. Duan, S. Wang, K. Palaniappan, P. Calyam, “Networked and Multimodal 3D Modeling of Cities for Collaborative Virtual Environments”, Symposium for Undergraduate Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (REU Symposium), 2022.
R. Tanaka, G. Papadimitriou, S. Viswanath, C. Wang, E. Lyons, K. Thareja, C. Qu, A. Esquivel, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, P. Calyam, M. Zink, “Automating Edge-to-Cloud Workflows for Science: Traversing the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum with Pegasus”, 2nd Workshop on Cloud-to-Things Continuum: towards the convergence of IoT, Edge and Cloud Computing (Cloud2Things) in conjunction with IEEE/ACM CCGrid, 2022. Best Paper Award Winner.
K. Nimmy, S. Sankaran, K. Achuthan, P. Calyam, “Securing Remote User Authentication in Industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2022.
K. Singh, S. Li, I. Jahnke, P. Calyam, “Why collaboration of UX researchers and software developer fails – Lessons learned from multiple case design studies in interdisciplinary cyberinfrastructure contexts”, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2022.
C. Davis, J. Collins, J. Fraser, H. Zhang, S. Yao, E. Lattanzio, B. Balakrishnan, Y. Duan, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “CAVE-VR and Unity Game Engine for Visualizing City Scale 3D Meshes”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2022.
N. Nguyen, R. Surya, M. Maschmann, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, F. Bunyak, “Self-Supervised Orientation-Guided Deep Network for Segmentation of Carbon Nanotubes in SEM Imagery”, ECCV Workshop on Vision with Biased or Scarce Data (VBSD) 2022.
C. Qu, R. Singh, A. Esquivel, P. Calyam, “Learning-based Multi-Drone Network Edge Orchestration for Video Analytics”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2022.
N. Bhamidipati, V. Vakkavanthula, G. Stafford, M. Dahir, R. Neupane, E. Bonnah, S. Wang, J. V. R. Murthy, K. A. Hoque, P. Calyam, “ClaimChain: Secure Blockchain Platform for Handling Insurance Claims Processing”, IEEE Blockchain, 2021.
C. Davis, J. Collins, E. Lattanzio, J. Fraser, S. Yao, H. Zhang, B. Balakrishnan, Y. Duan, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “3D Modeling of Cities for Virtual Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data – REU Symposium, 2021.
S. Wang, R. Neupane, A. Pandey, X. Cheng, P. Calyam, “Online Learning Platform for Application-Inspired Cloud and DevOps Curriculum”, IEEE Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHiPC), 2021.
A. Pandey, P. Calyam, S. Debroy, S. Wang, M. Alarcon, “VECTrust: Trusted Resource Allocation in Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing Workflows”, IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2021.
E. Lyons, S. Wang, K. Thareja, C. Qu, G. Papadimitriou, R. Tanaka, H. Saplakoglu, P. Calyam, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, M. Zink, “FlyNet: A Platform to Support Scientific Workflows from the Edge to the Core for UAV Applications”, IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2021.
R. Oruche, E. Milman, X. Cheng, M. Joish, C. Kulkarni, A. Sharma, K. Kee, H. Regunath, P. Calyam, “Measurement of Utility in User Access of COVID-19 Literature via AI-powered Chatbot”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2021.
A. Pandey, R. Surya, M. Maschmann, P. Calyam, “Reinforcement Learning based Carbon Nano Tube Growth Automation”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2021.
C. Qu, R. Singh, A. Esquivel Morel, F. Sorbelli, P. Calyam, S. Das, “Obstacle-Aware and Energy-Efficient Multi-Drone Coordination and Networking for Disaster Response”, IEEE Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2021. Acceptance Rate is 19%
E. Sagatov, S. Mayhoub, A. Sukhov, F. Esposito, P. Calyam, “Proactive Detection for Countermeasures on Port Scanning based Attacks”, IEEE Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (Short Paper), 2021.
A. Pandey, P. Calyam, Z. Lyu, T. Joshi, “Fuzzy-Engineered Multi-Cloud Resource Brokering for Data-intensive Applications”, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), 2021.
S. Valluripally, V. Akashe, M. Fisher, D. Falana, K. A. Hoque, P. Calyam, “Rule-based Adaptations to Control Cybersickness in Social Virtual Reality Learning Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2021.
R. Oruche, V. Akashe, S. Valluripally, A. Gulhane, P. Calyam, J. Stichter, Z. He, “A Networked Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment Platform for Special Education”, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) - Doctoral Track, 2021.
M. Lemus, M. Nguyen, S. Debroy, R. Bhamidipati, A. Mosa, P. Calyam, “Trust Model for Efficient Honest Broker based Healthcare Data Access and Processing”, IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies (PerHealth), 2021.
V. Akashe, R. Neupane, M. Lemus, S. Wang, P. Calyam, “Network-based Active Defense for Securing Cloud-based Healthcare Data Processing Pipelines”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2021.
A. Esquivel, D. Kavzak Ufuktepe, R. Ignatowicz, A. Riddle, C. Qu, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Enhancing Network-edge Connectivity and Computation Security in Drone Video Analytics”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2020.
A. Vyas, P. Calyam, “Interactive Graphical Visualization of Deep Learning Models”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2020.
J. Lewis, H. Chen, Im. Eddine Toubal, V. Sandesara, M. Lomnitz, Z. Hampel-Arias, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Deepfake Video Detection Based on Spatial, and Temporal Inconsistencies using Multimodal Deep Learning”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2020.
Y. Zhang, S. Sivarathri, P. Calyam, “ScholarFinder: Knowledge Embedding based Recommendations using a Deep Generative Model”, IEEE Big Data Service (BDS), 2020.
S. Purohit, P. Calyam, S. Wang, R. Yempalla, J. Varghese, “DefenseChain: Consortium Blockchain for Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing and Defense”, IEEE Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2020.
K. Singh, S. Li, I. Jahnke, A. Pandey, Z. Lyu, T. Joshi, P. Calyam, “A Formative Usability Study to Improve Prescriptive Systems for Bioinformatics Big Data”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2020.
K. Vekaria, P. Calyam, R. Oruche, Y. Zhang S. Wang, “Bring-your-own Plug-in Management Middleware for Programmable Science Gateways”, 15th Gateway Computing Environments Conference (Gateways), 2020.
C. Qu, A. Esquivel Morel, D. Dahlquist, P. Calyam, “DroneNet-Sim: A Learning-based Trace Simulation Framework for Control Networking in Drone Video Analytics”, 6th ACM Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications (DroNet) - held in conjunction with ACM MobiSys, 2020.
J. Wu, A. Vandanapu, C. Qu, S. Wang, P. Calyam, “Energy-aware Dynamic Computation Offloading for Video Analytics in Multi-UAV Systems”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2020.
C. Qu, A. Esquivel, D. Dahlquist, P. Calyam, “Design of Trace-based NS-3 Simulations for UAS Video Analytics with Geospatial Mobility”, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2020.
G. Mode, P. Calyam, K. Hoque, “Impact of False Data Injection Attacks on Deep Learning enabled Predictive Analytics”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2020.
M. Nguyen, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, Z. Lyu, T. Joshi, “Security-aware Resource Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows across Federated Multi-cloud Infrastructures”, ACM Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) – Distributed Computing Track, 2020.
R. Rao, C. Qu, R. Aktar, S. Wang, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Dynamic Computation Off-loading and Control based on Occlusion Detection in Drone Video Analytics”, ACM Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) – Networking Track, 2020.
S. Valluripally, A. Gulhane, R. Mitra, K. Hoque, P. Calyam, “Attack Trees for Security and Privacy in Social Virtual Reality Learning Environments”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2020.
A. Pandey, S. Wang, P. Calyam, “Data-intensive Workflow Execution using Distributed Compute Resources”, Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT), An NSF sponsored Workshop co-located with IEEE ICNP, 2019.
C. Qu, S. Wang, P. Calyam, “DyCOCo: A Dynamic Computation Offloading and Control Framework for Drone Video Analytics”, Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT), An NSF sponsored Workshop co-located with IEEE ICNP, 2019.
M. Nguyen, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, Z. Lyu, T. Joshi, “Multi-Cloud Performance and Security-driven Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows”, Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT), An NSF sponsored Workshop co-located with IEEE ICNP, 2019.
A. Pandey, Z. Lyu, T. Joshi, P. Calyam, “OnTimeURB: Multi-Cloud Resource Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2019.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, F. Esposito, “A Near Optimal Reliable Composition Approach for Geo-Distributed Latency-Sensitive Service Chains”, IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019.
T. Hajilounezhad, Z. Oraibi, R. Surya, F. Bunyak, M. Maschmann, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Exploration of Carbon Nanotube Forest Synthesis-Structure Relationships Using Physics-Based Simulation and Machine Learning”, IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, 2019.
S. Sivarathri, P. Calyam, Y. Zhang, A. Pandey, C. Chen, D. Xu, T. Joshi, S. Nair, “Chatbot Guided Domain-science Knowledge Discovery in a Science Gateway Application”, 14th Gateway Computing Environments Conference (Gateways), 2019.
N. Wilkins-Diehr, P. Calyam, M. Miller, E. Brookes, R. Arora, A. Chourasia, et. al., “Measuring Success: How Science Gateways Define Impact”, 14th Gateway Computing Environments Conference (Gateways), 2019.
D. Chemodanov, C. Qu, O. Opeoluwa, S. Wang, P. Calyam, “Policy-Based Function-Centric Computation Offloading for Real-Time Drone Video Analytics”, IEEE Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Networks (LANMAN) (Invited Paper), 2019.
S. Wang, S. Valluripally, S. Nuguri, R. Mitra, K. Salah, P. Calyam, “Cost-Performance Trade-offs in Fog Computing for IoT Data Processing of Social Virtual Reality”, IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC), 2019.
D. Jiang, R. Huang, P. Calyam, J. Gillis, O. Apperson, D. Chemodanov, F. Demir, S. Ahmad, “Hierarchical Cloud-Fog Platform for Communication in Disaster Incident Coordination”, IEEE Mobile Cloud, 2019.
S. Valluripally, M. Raju, P. Calyam, M. Chisholm, S. Sivarathri, A. Mosa, T. Joshi, “Community Cloud Architecture to Improve Use Accessibility with Security Compliance in Health Big Data Applications”, ACM ICDCN Workshop on Computing and Networking for Smart Healthcare (CoNSH), 2019.
Y. Zhang, P. Calyam, T. Joshi, S. Nair, D. Xu, “Domain-specific Topic Model for Knowledge Discovery through Conversational Agents in Data Intensive Scientific Communities”, IEEE International Workshop on Conversational Agents and Chatbots with Machine Learning (ChatbotML), in conjunction with IEEE Big Data, 2018.
A. Chandrashekara, R. Talluri, S. Sivarathri, R. Mitra, P. Calyam, K. Kee, S. Nair, “Fuzzy-Based Conversational Recommender for Data-intensive Science Gateway Applications”, IEEE International Workshop on Conversational Agents and Chatbots with Machine Learning (ChatbotML), in conjunction with IEEE Big Data, 2018.
A. Gulhane, A. Vyas, R. Mitra, R. Oruche, G. Hoefer, S. Valluripally, P. Calyam, K. Hoque, “Security, Privacy and Safety Risk Assessment for Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2019.
J. Patman, P. Lovett, A. Banning, A. Barnett, D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, “Data-driven Edge Computing Resource Scheduling for Protest Crowds Incident Management”, IEEE Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2018.
R. Neupane, T. Neely, N. Chettri, M. Vassell, Y. Zhang, P. Calyam, R. Durairajan, “Dolus: Cyber Defense using Pretense against DDoS Attacks in Cloud Platforms”, ACM Intl. Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) (Invited Paper), 2018.
P. Calyam, S. Nair, “Science Gateway Development to aid Cyber and Software Automation for Neuroscience Researchers and Educators”, 13th Gateway Computing Environments Conference (Gateways), 2018.
J. Patman, M. Alfarhood, S. Islam, M. Lemus, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Predictive Analytics for Fog Computing using Machine Learning and GENI”, IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT), 2018.
S. Jonesi, J. Adams, P. Calyam, S. Valluripally, B. Hittle, A. Lai, “QoE Tuning for Remote Access of Interactive Volume Visualization Applications”, IEEE ICME Workshop on ‘Multimedia Services and Technologies for Smart-health’, 2018.
C. Zizza, A. Starr, D. Hudson, S. Nuguri, P. Calyam, Z. He, “Towards a Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment in High Fidelity”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2018.
R. Antequera, P. Calyam, A. Chandrashekara, S. Malhotra, “Recommending Resources to Cloud Applications based on Custom Templates Composition”, ACM Computing Frontiers Conference, 2017.
A. Akula, P. Calyam, R. Antequera, R. Leto, “Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration in a Cloud-based App Marketplace”, ACM Computing Frontiers Conference, 2017.
R. Antequera, P. Calyam, D. Chemodanov, W. Donato, A. Mishra, A. Pescape, M. Skubic, “Socio-technical Approach to Engineer Gigabit App Performance for PhysicalTherapy-as-a-Service”, IEEE International Conference on E-health, Networking, Applications & Services (Healthcom), 2017.
A. Crutcher, C. Koch, K. Coleman, J. Patman, F. Esposito, P. Calyam, “Hyperprofile-based Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge Networks”, IEEE MASS - Fourth National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems, 2017.
H. Trinh, D. Chemodanov, S. Yao, Q. Lei, B. Zhang, F. Gao, P. Calyam, K. Palaniappan, “Energy-aware Mobile Edge Computing for Low-Latency Visual Data Processing”, IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud) (Invited Paper), 2017.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, “Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking in GENI”, International GENI Experiment Demonstration Contest (First Prize Winner Demo), 2017.
B. Mukherjee, R. Neupane, P. Calyam, “End-to-End IoT Security Middleware for Cloud-Fog Communication”, IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), 2017.
L. Guerdan, O. Apperson, P. Calyam, “Augmented Resource Allocation Framework for Disaster Response Coordination in Mobile Cloud Environments”, IEEE Mobile Cloud, 2017.
J. Burchard, D. Chemodanov, J. Gillis, P. Calyam, “Wireless Mesh Networking Protocol for Sustained Throughput in Edge Computing”, IEEE ICNC - National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems, 2017.
M. Dickinson, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, S. Valluripally, Y. Zhang, T. Joshi, D. Xu, “End-to-End Security Formalization and Alignment for Federated Workflow Management”, IEEE Cloud – Research Track, 2016.
J. Ramanathan, P. Calyam, “Achieving Broadband-based Smart City Services in Connected Communities”, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2016.
E. Cheng, K. Meiss, K. Park, J. Gillis, D. Weber, S. Ahmad, P. Calyam, “Contextual Geotracking Service of Incident Markers in Disaster Search-and-Rescue Operations”, IEEE Symp. on Network Computing and Applications (NCA) (Short Paper), 2016.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, “Application-Aware Infrastructure Clustering for Cloud Service Placement to Enhance User QoE”, IEEE/IFIP Workshop on QoE Centric Management (QCMan), 2016.
D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, F. Esposito, A. Sukhov, “A General Constrained Shortest Path Approach for Virtual Path Embedding”, IEEE Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Networks (LANMAN), 2016.
Y. Zhang, S. Debroy, P. Calyam, “Network Measurement Recommendations for Performance Bottleneck Correlation Analysis”, IEEE Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Networks (LANMAN), 2016.
S. Debroy, P. Calyam, M. Nguyen, A. Stage, V. Georgiev, “Frequency-Minimal Moving Target Defense using Software-Defined Networking”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2016.
M. Vassell, O. Apperson, P. Calyam, J. Gillis, S. Ahmad, “Intelligent Dashboard for Augmented Reality based Incident Command Response Co-ordination”, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2016.
P. Calyam, S. Seetharam, B. HomChaudhuri, M. Kumar, “Resource Defragmentation using Market-Driven Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2015.
A. Althobaiti, P. Calyam, R. Akella, P. Vallabhaneni, “Data Integrity Protection through Security Monitoring for Just-in-Time News Feeds”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 2015.
Y. Zhang, P. Calyam, S. Debroy, M. Sridharan, “PCA-based Network-wide Correlated Anomaly Event Detection and Diagnosis”, IEEE International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2015.
J. Gillis, P. Calyam, A. Bartels, M. Popescu, S. Barnes, J. Doty, D. Higbee, S. Ahmad, “Panacea’s Glass: Mobile Cloud Framework for Communication in Mass Casualty Disaster Triage”, IEEE Mobile Cloud, 2015.
T. Nguyen, P. Calyam, R. Antequera, “Benchmarking in Virtual Desktops for End-to-End Performance Traceability”, IEEE/IFIP Workshop on QoE Centric Management (QCMan), 2015.
S. Ramisetty, P. Calyam, J. Cecil, A. Akula, R. Antequera, R. Leto, “Ontology Integration for Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration in Cloud Platforms”, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), 2015.
G. Bui, P. Calyam, B. Morago, R. Antequera, T. Nguyen, Y. Duan, “LIDAR-based Virtual Environment Study for Disaster Response Scenarios”, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) (Short Paper), 2015.
M. Singhal, J. Ramanathan, P. Calyam, M. Skubic, “In-the-know: Recommendation Framework for City-supported Hybrid Cloud Services”, IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014.
S. Seetharam, P. Calyam, T. Beyene, “ADON: Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a-Service for Data-Intensive Science”, IEEE International Conf. on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 2014.
P. Calyam, A. Berryman, E. Saule, H. Subramoni, P. Schopis, G. Springer, U. Catalyurek, D. K. Panda, “Wide-area Overlay Networking to Manage Accelerated Science DMZ Flows”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) (Invited Paper), 2014.
P. Calyam, S. Seetharam, R. Antequera, “GENI Laboratory Exercises Development for a Cloud Computing Course”, GENI Research and Education Experiments Workshop, 2014.
M. Makarov, P. Calyam, A. Sukhov, V. Samykin, “Time-based Criteria for Performance Comparison of Resource-Intensive User Tasks in Virtual Desktops”, IEEE International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2014.
P. Calyam, S. Kulkarni, A. Berryman, K. Zhu, M. Sridharan, R. Ramnath, G. Springer, “OnTimeSecure: Secure Middleware for Federated Network Performance Monitoring”, IEEE Conf. on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (Short Paper), 2013.
J. Cecil, R. Gunda, P. Calyam, S. Seetharam, “A Next-Generation Collaborative Framework for Advanced Manufacturing”, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2013.
A. Berryman, P. Calyam, J. Cecil, G. Adams, D. Comer, “Advanced Manufacturing Use Cases and Early Results in GENI Infrastructure”, GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop (GREE), 2013.
P. Calyam, S. Rajagopalan, A. Selvadhurai, S. Mohan, A. Venkataraman, A. Berryman, R. Ramnath, “Leveraging OpenFlow for Resource Placement of Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications”, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), 2013.
P. Calyam, A. Venkataraman, A. Berryman, M. Faerman, “Experiences from Virtual Desktop Cloud Experiments in GENI”, GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop (GREE), 2012.
M. Grigoriev, P. DeMar, B. Tierney, A. Lake, J. Metzger, M. Frey, P. Calyam, “E-Center: A Collaborative Platform for Wide Area Network Users”, International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), 2012.
P. Calyam, A. Berryman, D. Welling, S. Mohan, R. Ramnath, J. Ramnathan, “VDPilot: Feasibility Study of Hosting Virtual Desktops for Classroom Labs within a Federated University System”, IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA-CON), 2012.
M. Sridharan, P. Calyam, A. Venkataraman, A. Berryman, “Defragmentation of Resources in Virtual Desktop Clouds for Cost-Aware Utility-Optimal Allocation”, IEEE Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2011.
R. Gunda, J. Cecil, P. Calyam, S. Kak, “Information Centric Frameworks for Micro Assembly”, NSF Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking, (EI2N), Proceedings published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011.
A. Lai, D. Stredney, P. Calyam, B. Hittle, T. Kerwin, D. Reed, K. Powell, “Remote Interactive Volume Visualization Infrastructure for Researchers”, AMIA Annual Symposium, 2011.
P. Calyam, J. Pu, W. Mandrawa, A. Krishnamurthy, "OnTimeDetect: Dynamic Network Anomaly Notification in perfSONAR Deployments", IEEE Symposium on Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommn. Systems (MASCOTS), 2010.
A. Berryman, P. Calyam, A. Lai, M. Honigford, “VDBench: A Benchmarking Toolkit for Thin-client based Virtual Desktop Environments”, IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010.
P. Calyam, L. Kumarasamy, F. Ozguner, “Semantic Scheduling of Active Measurements for meeting Network Monitoring Objectives”, IEEE Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (Short Paper), 2010.
E. Sagatov, A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, “Influence of Distortions of Key Frames on Video Transfer in Wireless Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks (ISIVC), 2010.
P. Calyam, P. Chandrasekaran, G. Trueb, N. Howes, D. Yu, Y. Liu, L. Xiong, R. Ramnath, D. Yang, “Impact of Router Queuing Disciplines on Multimedia QoE in IPTV Deployments”, IEEE Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2009.
P. Calyam, A. Kalash, A. Krishnamurthy, G. Renkes, "A Human-and-Network Aware Encoding Adaptation Scheme for Remote Desktop Access", IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2009.
K. Salah, K. Sattar, A. Baig, M. Squalli, P. Calyam, “Resiliency of Popular Network Firewalls against Remote Discovery of Last-Matching Rules”, ACM Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN), 2009.
P. Calyam, A. Kalash, N. Ludban, S. Gopalan, S. Samsi, K. Tomko, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, “Experiences from Cyberinfrastructure Development for Multi-user Remote Instrumentation”, IEEE Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 2008.
P. Calyam, A. Devulapalli, “Modeling of Multi-resolution Active Network Measurement Time-series”, IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM), 2008.
P. Calyam, N. Howes, A. Kalash, M. Haffner, “User and Network Interplay in Internet Telemicroscopy”, ICST/ACM Immersive Telecommunications (IMMERSCOM), 2007.
P. Calyam, M. Haffner, E. Ekici, C. G. Lee, “Measuring Interaction QoE in Internet Videoconferencing”, IEEE/IFIP Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services (MMNS), Proceedings published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007.
W. Yu, X. Wang, P. Calyam, D. Xuan and W. Zhao, "On Detecting Camouflaging Worms", Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2006.
P. Calyam, C.G.Lee, P. K. Arava, D. Krymskiy, “Enhanced EDF Scheduling Algorithms for Orchestrating Network-wide Active Measurements”, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2005.
P. Calyam, D. Krymskiy, M. Sridharan, P. Schopis, "Active and Passive Measurements on Campus, Regional and National Network Backbone Paths", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2005.
P. Calyam, C.G. Lee, P.K. Arava, D. Krymskiy, D. Lee, “OnTimeMeasure: A Scalable Framework for Scheduling Active Measurements”, IEEE/IFIP End-to-End Monitoring Workshop (E2EMON), 2005.
P. Calyam, D. Krymskiy, M. Sridharan, P. Schopis, "TBI: End-to-End Network Performance Measurement Testbed for Empirical-bottleneck Detection", IEEE Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), 2005.
A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, W. Daly, A. Illin, "Network Requirements for High-Speed Real-Time Multimedia Data Streams", IPv6 Global Summit, 2004.
P. Calyam, W. Mandrawa, M. Sridharan, A. Khan, P. Schopis, “H.323 Beacon: An H.323 application related end-to-end performance troubleshooting tool”, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Troubleshooting (NetTs), 2004.
P. Calyam, M. Sridharan, W. Mandrawa, P. Schopis “Performance Measurement and Analysis of H.323 Traffic”, Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (PAM), Proceedings published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004.
P. Calyam, G. Ricart, “Report on Applications and Services in the Year 2021”, Strategic Planning Workshop Report prepared for the National Science Foundation, 2016.
P. Calyam, M. Swany, “Report on the Second NSF perfSONAR Workshop on multi-domain network performance measurement and monitoring”, Strategic Planning Workshop Report prepared for the National Science Foundation, 2014.
P. Calyam, “5 analogies between adoption of virtual desktop clouds and good-old videoconferencing”, OSC/OARnet Technical Report prepared for VMware End-user Computing Group, 2012.
P. Calyam, W. Mandrawa, C. Hartley, P. Schopis, “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Software”, GENI Measurement Service Design Document, 2010.
P. Calyam, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, M. Kennedy, “Cyber-enabling of Ohio's 850 MHz NMR”, OSC/OARnet Technical Report prepared for the Ohio Board of Regents, 2009.
P. Calyam, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, G. Renkes, “Cyber-enabling of Ohio's Raman-FTIR Micro-Spectrometer”, OSC/OARnet Technical Report prepared for the Ohio Board of Regents and National Science Foundation, 2009.
K. Kantardjieff, P. Calyam, et. al., “Cyber-Enabled Instrumentation in Chemistry”, Strategic Planning Workshop Report prepared for the National Science Foundation, 2009.
P. Calyam, “Provisioning and Analysis of Application-specific Internet Measurements”, Ph.D. Thesis, Advisers: Prof. Eylem Ekici and Prof. Chang-gun Lee – Supported by Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Supercomputer Center, American Distance Education Consortium, and Internet2, 2007.
P. Calyam, G. Trueb, S. Lammers, “High Definition Videoconferencing: Codec Performance, Security, and Collaboration Tools”, NSF REU Report submitted to American Distance Education Consortium, 2007.
P. Calyam, L. Jorgenson, “Network Performance Infrastructures - Part-II”, Apparent Networks Whitepaper, 2007.
P. Calyam, S. Gordon, M. Woo, D. Walsh, “2006 ECOM-Ohio Study”, OSC/OARnet Technical Report prepared for the Ohio Department of Development, 2006.
P. Calyam, P. K. Arava, N. Howes, S. Samsi, C. Butler, J. Jones, “Network Tuning and Monitoring for Disaster Recovery Data Backup and Retrieval”, OSC/OARnet Technical Whitepaper, 2005. (Presented at Sun Microsystem’s SuperG Meeting)
P. Calyam, L. Jorgenson, “Network Performance Infrastructures - Part-I”, Apparent Networks Whitepaper, 2003.
P. Calyam, “Performance Measurement and Analysis of H.323 Videoconferencing Traffic”, M.S. Thesis - Supported by American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), 2002.
“Security and Trust in Edge Network Environments”, Invited Talk in the Lecture Series of Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu (IIT-J), 2024.
“Material Discovery using an Intelligent Autonomous Robot”, Invited Talk at International Virtual Conference on Material Science and Applications, 2024.
“Low-overhead Zero Trust for Mission Planning and Execution at the Tactical Warfighting Edge”, Invited Talk at the DoD University Consortium for Cybersecurity (DoD UC2) Meeting, National Defense University, 2023.
“Securing Healthcare Environments involving Protected Data and Instrument Resource Sharing”, Joint C2SHIP/FDA Workshop, Washington DC, 2023.
“Zero Trust for Tactical Edge Network Environments”, Invited Talk at University of Puget Sound, Seattle, WA, 2023.
“Understanding how AI can influence our Quality of Life”, Invited Talk at Missouri State Medical Association Alliance Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, 2023.
“Zero Trust for Tactical Edge Network Environments”, Invited Talk at Missouri S&T Seminar Series, Rolla, MO, 2023.
“Opportunities and Challenges for AI in Cybersecurity”, Invited Talk at Chancellor’s Missouri 100 Meeting, 2023.
“Securing Network Edge Applications”, Invited Talk at Translational Data Analytics Institute Seminar Series, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2023.
“Securing Network Edge Applications”, Invited Talk at the University of Memphis Seminar Series, Memphis, 2023.
“Building Trust Frameworks to Increase Sharing of Protected Health Data and IoT Devices”, C2SHIP NSF I/UCRC Think Tank Meeting, 2023.
“Intelligent Methods for Active Cyber Defense in Critical Application Infrastructures”, Invited Talk at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2023.
“Transferring Lessons Learned from Virtual to In-person REU Site”, NSF REU PI Meeting Panel Talk, Austin, 2023.
“Intelligent Cyber Defense using Pretense to Secure Networked Consumer Applications”, Invited Talk at Missouri State University Seminar Series, 2023.
“Machine Learning for Edge-Cloud Computing Systems”, Invited Keynote Talk at the Symposium for Machine Learning for IoT Edge Computing, Kolkata, 2023.
“Intelligent Systems for Cyberinfrastructure Management and Domain Knowledge Discovery”, Invited Talk at University of Miami – Institute for Data Science & Computing, 2023.
“Implementing Zero Trust for Network Protocols and Computation Tasks at the Tactical Warfighting Edge”, Invited Talk at the DoD University Consortium for Cybersecurity (DoD UC2) Meeting, National Defense University, 2022.
“Cybersecurity @ Mizzou”, Talk at the NSA Centers for Academic Excellence – Community of Practice Meeting, 2022.
“Kubeflow for Machine learning Ops with Health informatics”, Mizzou Cloud and DevOps Online Workshop, 2022.
“Cloud/Fog Computing for Emergency Response Technologies and Services”, Invited Talk and Panel Discussion at the International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services in conjunction with ACM ICDCN, 2022.
“Ansible for Infrastructure as Code with Cybersecurity Ops”, Mizzou Cloud and DevOps Online Workshop, 2022.
“Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Knowledge Discovery”, Invited Talk at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, 2022.
“VMWare Tanzu (CE) with Drone Video Streaming and Analytics”, Mizzou Cloud and DevOps Online Workshop, 2022.
“Recommender Systems for Cyberinfrastructure Management and Domain Knowledge Discovery”, Invited Talk at Vanderbilt University, 2021.
“Cloud/Fog Computing for Emergency Response Technologies and Services”, Invited Talk and Panel Discussion at the International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services in conjunction with ACM ICDCN, 2022.
“Recommender Systems for Cyberinfrastructure Management and Domain Knowledge Discovery”, Invited Talk at Rensselaer Polytechnic University, 2021.
“Application-Inspired Cloud & DevOps Lab Modules”, CERI Center Hands-on Training Workshop Series, 2021.
“Online Learning Platform for Application-Inspired Cloud & DevOps Curriculum”, Cyberinfrastructure Engineering Lunch & Learn Talk Series, 2021.
“Mizzou Cyber Range: Research-inspired Learning of ‘Attack Defense by Pretense’ Principle and Practice”, NSA CAE Community of Practice - Midwest Hub Meeting, 2021.
“Drone Video Analytics in Smart Farming”, NSF-supported PAWR-ARA Research Community Workshop, 2021.
“Cyber Defense by Pretense”, MU-Amrita Research Symposium on Smart Community: Security & Resilience, 2021.
“Community Cloud Brokering for Creation of Secure and High-performance Bioinformatics Applications”, MU-AFRL IT/Bioinformatics Research Symposium, 2021.
“Cybersecurity in the Manufacturing Enterprise”, Talk at the DOE IAC Training Workshop, Columbia, MO, 2021.
“Defending Small Business Cyber Assets”, Lead Speaker in a 5-part Webinar Series organized by Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC), 2021.
“Edge Computing and Network Control in Drone Video Analytics”, Talk in the Aquila Clouds Industry Webinar Series, 2020.
“Usable Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing our Quality of Life”, Invited talk at Missouri S&T University, Rolla, MO, 2020.
“OnTimeURB: Multi-cloud Broker Framework for Creation of Secure and High-performance Science Gateways”, Talk in the National Trusted Cyberinfrastructure Webinar Series, 2020.
“Multi-cloud Brokering for Secure and High-performance Cloud-based Applications”, Talk in the Aquila Clouds Industry Webinar Series, 2020.
“Cybersafety for Youth: Smart playing and learning online”, Webinar Talk organized by ICCM Columbia, 2020.
“Usable Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing our Quality of Life”, Talk at the MU India Day Celebration, 2020.
“Dynamic Edge/Cloud Computation Offloading and Control for Drone Video Analytics”, Talk at the NSF Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI), Coimbra, Portugal, 2019.
“Strategizing an On-campus Community Cloud Infrastructure for Research and Creative Works”, Invited Talk and Panel Chair at U. of Missouri Cyberinfrastructure Day, 2019.
“Blockchain based Cooperative Threat Intelligence Sharing for Cyber Defense”, Invited Talk at Blockchain KC Conference, Kansas City, 2019.
“Usable Cybersecurity - Foundations and Cloud-hosted Application Case Studies”, Invited Talk at Case Western Reserve University, 2019.
“Usable Artificial Intelligence - Improving Access of Data and Computation for Decision Makers”, Invited Talk at Florida International University, 2019.
“Role of Academia in Leading Open Cloud Innovations through Research, Education, Infrastructure and Outreach”, Invited Talk at the University of Texas at San Antonio, 2019.
“Usable Cybersecurity - Foundations and Cloud-hosted Application Case Studies”, Invited Talk at U. of Oregon, 2018.
“Cybersecurity in the Manufacturing Enterprise”, Talk at the DOE IAC Training Workshop, Columbia, MO, 2018/2017.
“Best Practices for an Industry Supported Consortium @ Universities for Research & Education Growth”, Invited Webinar Talk organized by Chicago State University, 2018.
“BigData-as-a-Service with Unified Resource Brokering”, Invited Talk at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Kakinada Campus, India, 2018.
“Cyber and Software Automation for Neuroscience Community”, Cyberinfrastructure Engineering Brown Bag Talk, 2018.
“got bigdata?”, U. of Missouri College of Engineering Research Day – Featured Talk, 2018.
“Cyber Security for Critical Application Infrastructures”, University of Missouri System Summit on Cyber Security, 2018.
“Collaborative Situational Awareness: The Human Dimension in Cyber Security”, Talk at the SEC Academic Conference on Cyber Security, Auburn University, 2018.
“Advances in Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security”, Workshop Series at Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, India, 2018.
“Edge Computing: New Paradigm Challenges and Emerging Solutions”, Keynote Talk at the U. of Oregon (GENI Regional Workshop), Invited Talks in Seminar Series at Missouri S&T and U. of Missouri-St. Louis, 2017.
“Visual Cloud Computing and Networking: Foundations and Application Case Studies”, UT-DIISC 2nd International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing, Dallas, TX, 2017.
“Cybersecurity in the Manufacturing Enterprise”, Talk at the DOE IAC Training Workshop, Columbia, MO, 2017.
“Fog Computing and Networking: Opportunities and Application Case Studies”, Great Plains Network organized ENCITE Webinars on Network Technology, 2017.
“Cloud Computing II”, MU CS 8001, Fall 2017/2016/2015 Semester.
“Cloud Computing I”, MU CS 4530/7530, Spring 2017/2016/2015 Semester; Fall 2013.
“Why and How we do Research”, MU Computer Science Seminar Series, Spring 2015/2014; NSF REU Site Talk, Summer 2017/2016/2015/2014.
“Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”, Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students; Project Mentor Talk and Hands-on Training, Columbia, MO, Summer 2017/2016/2015.
“Cybersecurity for Smart Networks and Applications”, Talk at DOE Smart Networks Workshop, Rockville, MD, 2016.
“Wireless Protocol Testbeds to develop Hierarchical Cloud-Fog Platforms for Communication in Disaster Incident Coordination”, NSF Large-scale Networking Platforms ‘Communities of Practice’ Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2016.
“Design of a Cloud Computing Course Sequence”, IUCEE (Indo Universal Collaboration for Engg. Education) Webinar, 2016.
“Deploying Network-aware Applications in GENI”, Invited Talk in GENI Webinar Series, 2016.
“Data Science Experiences with Multi-domain Network Performance Measurement”, MU Big Data Study Group, Fall 2016.
“Cloud Computing II”, MU CS 8001, Fall 2015/2016 Semester.
“Application-Driven Software-Defined Networking for Data-Intensive Science”, Invited Talk at Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay (IIT-B), Summer 2016.
“Application-Driven Software-Defined Networking for Data-Intensive Science”, Invited Talk at GITAM University, Summer 2016.
“Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”, Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students; Project Mentor Talk and Hands-on Training, Columbia, MO, Summer 2015/2016.
“Why and How to go into the Business of Innovation”, MU Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course – Guest Lecture, Spring 2016.
“Research Defined Networks for Big Data Science Applications”, DOE Workshop on Network Research Problems and Challenges for Scientists, Bethesda, MD, 2016.
“CI Engineer Talents and Training Needs”, MU Cyberinfrastructure Day Panel Discussion, 2016.
“Applications and Services – Research Community Analysis Report”, NSF ‘Looking Beyond the Internet’ Planning Group Meeting @ NSF, Arlington, VA, 2015.
“Moving Target Defense for Resilient Cloud Computing”, Cybersecurity Conference hosted by University of Missouri – St. Louis, MO, 2015.
“Science DMZ Integration for Hybrid Cloud Computing Needs of Data-intensive Science Applications”, ESnet/Internet2 Operating Innovative Networks Workshop, Washington University – St. Louis, MO, 2015.
“Custom Templates for Reusable Composition of Data-intensive Application Workflows”, NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop; Invited Talk in Session on Campus Cyberinfrastructure Program Success Stories, Austin, TX, 2015.
“Factory of the future: Advanced Manufacturing App Marketplace”, 23rd GENI Engineering Conference; Plenary Talk and Demo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2015.
“User Opt-in within GENI: Broad Perspective”, 23rd GENI Engineering Conference; Session Chair Talk, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2015.
“Using GENI, CloudLab and AWS together within a Cloud Computing course”, 23rd GENI Engineering Conference; Experimenter-Educator-Developer Roundtable Session, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2015.
“MU Cyberinfrastructure Design to Enable Data-intensive Research and Education”, Advanced Research Computing on Campuses: Best Practices Workshop (ARCC), Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2015.
“Convergence of Cloud, Big Data and Mobile in Smart and Connected Health”, IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Analytics (IWCA); Invited position talk and panel discussion, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 2015.
“Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Use Cases at MU for Data-intensive Research and Education”, MU Cyberinfrastructure Day; position talk and panel discussion, Columbia, MO, 2015.
“Using GENI in Large Classes within a Cloud Computing Course”, 22nd GENI Engineering Conference; Invited Talk in session on GENI in the Education, George Washington University, Washington DC, 2015.
“User Opt-in Experiences in GENI Experiments”, 22nd GENI Engineering Conference; Invited talk and panel discussion in session on GENI Experimenter-Developer Roundtable, George Washington University, Washington DC, 2015.
“Synchronized Big Data Analytics for Personalized and Remote Physical Therapy”; Invited talk and Demo in US Ignite Application Summit, George Washington University, Washington DC, 2015.
“Software-Defined Multi-Domain Performance Monitoring”, Invited Plenary Talk at NSF-supported Internet2 Focused Technical Workshop (FTW) on perfSONAR, Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet, Columbus, OH 2015.
“Cloud Computing as a City-supported Utility”, MU Computer Science Seminar Series, Fall 2014.
“Correlated Network Anomaly Detection and Secured Middleground for Federated Network Monitoring”, US Department of Energy PI Meeting, Rockville, MD, 2014.
“Uncorrelated/Correlated Anomaly Detection with perfSONAR Data Sets”, NSF perfSONAR Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2014.
“Interactive Interface for Remote Physical Therapy”, Invited Talk/Demo at US Ignite Application Summit @ Juniper Networks, Sunnyvale, CA, 2014.
“Simulation-as-a-Service: A GENI Experiment for Advanced Manufacturing”, Invited Talk at Next-gen Applications - 1 Billion Bits, Kansas City, KC, 2014.
“Uncorrelated/Correlated Anomaly Detection with perfSONAR Data Sets”, NSF perfSONAR Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2014.
“Design and Verification of Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications”, Invited talk at University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, 2013.
“GENI Lab Exercises for a Cloud Computing Course”, Invited talk at NSF Workshop on GENI in Education, NYU Polytechnic, Brooklyn, NY, (In conjunction with 18th GENI Engineering Conference) 2013.
“QoE-Aware Traffic Steering using OpenFlow”, Invited talk at US Ignite ONF GENI Workshop, Juniper Networks, Sunnyvale, CA, 2013.
“Home or Cloud? Where to go for HPC”, MU CyberInfrastructure Day, Columbia, MO, 2013.
Computer Networks I, MU CS 4850/7850, Spring 2013 Semester.
“City-supported Simulation-as-a-Service for Advanced Manufacturing Small Business”, US Ignite Summit, Chicago, IL, 2013.
“Software-defined Networking for Resource Adaptation of Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications”, Invited talk at Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, 2013.
“Leveraging State Wide Virtualization and Emerging Technologies to Improve Education”, Internet2 Spring Member Meeting, Arlington, VA, 2012.
“Anomaly Detection Integration and Deployment in DOE Monitoring Infrastructures”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2011.
“Future Broadband Networking for Thin-client Cloud Computing in Health and Manufacturing Applications”, NSF-OSTP US IGNITE Meeting, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 2011.
“Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds: VMLab-GENI Experiment”, Demonstration in GENI infrastructure, 10th GENI Engineering Conference, Puerto Rico, 2011.
“OnTimeMeasure Integration with GUSH Experimenter Workflow Tool in GENI”, Selected GENI project highlights session, 10th GENI Engineering Conference, Puerto Rico, 2011.
“Future Internet and Cloud Computing”, Invited Seminar at Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Youngstown State University, 2010.
“VMLab Testbed for Desktop Virtualization to Support Research and Education”, MERIT Desktop Virtualization Summit, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2010.
“Experiences from developing analysis techniques and GUI tools for perfSONAR users”, perfSONAR Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2010.
“Multi-domain Internet Performance Sampling and Analysis Tools”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Effects of Network Conditions on Visual Communications”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Using Desktop Virtualization to access advanced Educational Software”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Multi-domain Internet Performance Sampling and Analysis”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Salt Lake City, 2010.
“VMLab Testbed for Desktop Virtualization Experiments”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2009.
“Remote Instrumentation Collaborations in Ohio”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting – Demo Session, K-20 Advisory Committee Meeting – Plenary Talk, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
“Ohio's Cyber-enabled 850 MHz NMR - Demo”, IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference - Demo Session, Austin, TX, 2008.
“OSC led Remote Instrumentation Program in Ohio – Talk and Demo”, NJEdge.Net Technology in Education Conference, Plainsboro, NJ, 2008.
“Remote Instrumentation Challenges and Future Directions”, NSF Cyber-enabled Instruments Workshop, Arlington, 2008.
“Balancing Multimedia Performance and Data Security Trade-offs in Secure Videoconferencing Deployments”, Internet2 Spring Member Meeting, Arlington, VA, 2008.
“Voice and Video over IP”, OSU-CSE 679 Class Lecture, 2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008.
“Network Router Architectures”, OSU-CSE 677 Class Lecture, 2005/2006/2007/2008.
“Secure Videoconferencing”, OSU-CSE 551 Class Lecture, 2008/2009.
“Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment (RICE) for Online Training and Research”, SLOAN-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, 2007.
“Telemicroscopy Performance Measurements”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2006.
“State-wide Disaster Recovery for Ohio’s Higher Education”, Windows on the Future, Columbus, OH, 2006.
“Broadband 101: An Introduction to Broadband Technologies”, Ohio Department of Development sponsored Broadband Basics Workshop, Wooster, OH, 2005.
“Tutorial: Troubleshooting Voice and Video Performance over IP using Measurement Tools”, Tools Tutorial at Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Salt Lake City, UT, 2005.