Prasad Calyam

Curators' Distinguished Professor and CERI Center Director

Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

University of Missouri-Columbia

Office Phone: (573)-882-9747

E-mail: calyamp AT 


Welcome to my home page!

I am a Curators' Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri-Columbia. I am the Director of the Center for Cyber Education, Research and Infrastructure (Mizzou CERI)*** and Greg L. Gilliom Professor in Cyber Security in the MU College of Engineering. I am also a Core Faculty at the University of Missouri Informatics and Data Science Institute (MUIDSI). My research and development areas of interest include Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Computer Networking, Networked-Multimedia Applications, and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure. I enjoy working with students in the "VIMAN Lab" - Virtualization, Multimedia and Networking Lab**.

I obtained my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University, and B.E. from Bangalore University. Before coming to MU in 2013, I was a Research Director at Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet, The Ohio State University. I am an expert consultant for industry, academia, and government agencies in the design and development of software systems comprising advanced architectures and cloud-based performance analysis technologies. >>More

**VIMAN in Sanskrit means "Aircraft" - a vehicle to discover magical clouds!

***CERI in Telugu/Kannada means "Together" - if you want to go far, go together!


I have open positions for graduate and undergraduate research assistants; Please send me an email (only if you have already been admitted to MU) with your resume and a convincing statement of interest.

12-10-23: Received EECS Department honor of the "Outstanding Professor Recognition by Graduating Seniors in Computer Science”; >>More

12-01-23: Kiran Neupane successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Enabling Data-driven Smart and Secure Cloud-hosted Applications"; Congratulations Kiran!

10-23-23: Divya Mishra successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Web Services for Image Analytics to Enable Feedback Control of Remote Instrumentation", and joined Caterpillar; Congratulations Divya!

08-01-23: Received NSF Award for a project titled “CC* Data Storage: Remote Instrumentation Science Environment for Intelligent Image Analytics”; >>More

08-01-23: Received NSF Award for a project titled “RETTL: Social Virtual Reality enabled Learning to Empower Special Education Students in Gaining Competence to Join the Future Technology Workforce”; >>More

08-01-23: Received NSF Award for a project titled “PFI-TT: Cloud-based Network-Aware Route Management Platform for Electric Truck and Drone Operations”; >>More

07-28-23: Successfully led the third year of the renewed NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (16th program offering); >>More

07-22-23: Organized the 9th Edition of Mizzou Engineering Camp for Middle-school and High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training (Virtual) on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers"; >>More

05-01-23: Received EECS Department honor of the "Outstanding Senior Excellence in Research Award”; >>More

04-26-23: Chengyi Qu successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Intelligent Orchestration of Computation and Networking for Drone Swarm Applications", and joined Florida Gulf Coast University as Tenure-track Asst. Professor; Congratulations Chengyi!

04-26-23: Durbek Gafurov successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Next-Generation DevOps for Network and Compute-Intensive Applications", and joined Anchorage Digital; Congratulations Durbek!

03-16-23: Received MU College of Engineering honor of the "James C. Owens Excellence for Research Collaboration Award

03-01-23: Received NSF Award for a project titled “REU SITE: Research in Consumer Networking Technologies”; >>More

12-15-22: Ashish Pandey successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Trusted Resource Allocation in Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications", and joined LabSimply which he co-founded; Congratulations Ashish!

09-01-22: Promoted to Full Professor with tenure; >>More

08-29-22: Received NSF Award for a project titled “CICI: UCSS: Trusted Resource Allocation in Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing Workflows”; >>More

08-12-22: Received NSF Award Supplement for a project titled “Drone Swarm Computation Offloading and Networking Experiments in AERPAW”

07-29-22: Received NSF Award for a project titled “IUCRC Phase I University of Missouri: Center to Stream Healthcare In Place (C2SHIP)”; >>More 

07-29-22: Successfully led the third year of the renewed NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (15th program offering); >>More

07-25-22: Organized the 8th Edition of Mizzou Engineering Camp for Middle-school and High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers"; >>More

04-29-22: Received MU campus honor of the "Robin Walker Award for Graduate Student Mentoring”; >>More

03-16-22: Received MU College of Engineering honor of the "Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award”; >>More

12-15-21: Naga Ramya Bhamidipati successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Secure Blockchain Platform for Handling Insurance Claims Processing", and joined Amazon; Congratulations Ramya!

12-15-21: Rounak Singh successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Location Prediction and Trajectory Optimization in Multi-UAV Application Missions", and joined Fannie Mae; Congratulations Rounak!

12-15-21: Vaibhav Akashe successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Securing Cloud-hosted Applications using Active Defense with Rule-based Adaptations", and joined Paycom; Congratulations Vaibhav!

12-15-21: Travis Neely successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Automated Defense Against Targeted Attacks using Suspiciousness Tracking", and joined Microsoft; Congratulations Travis!

10-15-21: Received NSF Award for a project titled “SaTC: CORE: Small: Modeling and Defense of Cyber Attacks for Improving Social Virtual Reality Resilience”; >>More

08-15-21: Mizzou CAVE installed at the CERI Center; >>More

07-30-21: Successfully led the second year of the renewed NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (14th program offering; Virtual); >>More

07-26-21: Organized the 7th Edition of Mizzou Engineering Camp for Middle-school and High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training (Virtual) on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers"; >>More

05-05-21: Serving as Chair of ACM/IEEE Supercomputing – Xnet: Experimental Networks, 2021

04-01-21: Received Small Business Administration Award through Missouri SBDC for organizing webinar series titled “Defending Small Business Cyber Assets”; >>Videos

03-16-21: Received VMware Research Gift for project titled "Cloud and DevOps Curriculum and Online Learning Platform"

03-05-21: Serving as Chair of IEEE ICCCN (Track: Orchestration Methods and Middleware in support of Big Data, and the Cloud), 2021

03-01-21: Received MU College of Engineering honor of "Greg L. Gilliom Professor in Cyber Security"

02-19-21: Organized "International Virtual Symposium on Smart Community Security, Resilience" in collaboration with Amrita University, India; >>More

11-30-20: Yuanxun Zhang successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Knowledge Discovery with Recommenders for Big Data Management in Science and Engineering Communities", and joined Verisk Analytics; Congratulations Yuanxun!

11-23-20: Soumya Purohit successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Consortium Blockchain Management with a Peer Reputation System for Critical Information Sharing", and joined Alliance Bernstein; Congratulations Soumya!

10-23-20: Samaikya Valluripally successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis titled “User Experience and Robustness in Social Virtual Reality Applications", and joined Intel; Congratulations Samaikya!

10-15-20: Organized 49th IEEE AIPR Workshop with the theme "Trusted Computing, Privacy, and Securing Multimedia"; Served as Program Chair; >>More

09-14-20: Received NSF Award for a project titled “MRI: Acquisition of a Virtual Reality System for Expert Decision Making and Immersive Learning”; >>More

09-08-20: Invited Talk in the Aquila Clouds Industry Webinar Series; Title: Edge Computing and Network Control in Drone Video Analytics; >>More

08-06-20: Selected as Inaugural Cohort Member of the MU Mid-Career Research Development Fellows Program; >>More

08-05-20: Organized the 6th Edition of Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training (Virtual) on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers"; >>More

08-03-20: Received DOS Partnership 2020 Award for a project titled “Establishing a Blockchain-based Financial Information Sharing Ecosystem with Intelligent Automation”; >>More

07-30-20: Alicia Esquivel Morel successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Enhancing Network-edge Connectivity and Computation Security in Drone Video Analytics", and joined VIMAN Lab for Ph.D.; Congratulations Alicia!

07-31-20: Successfully led the first year of the renewed NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (13th program offering; Virtual); >>More

07-24-20: Received NSA Award for a project titled “Cyber Defense-by-Pretense to Mitigate Data and Resource Exfiltration Attacks on Critical Applications”; >>More

06-30-20: Received NSF Award for a project titled “CC* Integration: An ‘On-the-fly’ Deeply Programmable End-to-end Network-Centric Platform for Edge-to-Core Workflows”; >>More

06-11-20: Received NSF Award for a project titled “Discovering the Self-Assembly Mechanisms of Carbon Nanotube Forests Using an Intelligent Autonomous Research Robot”; >>More

05-28-20: Selected as a participant in the 2020 UM System Leadership Development Program

05-23-20: Invited Talk in the National Trusted Cyberinfrastructure Webinar Series; Title: OnTimeURB: Multi-cloud Broker Framework for Creation of Secure and High- performance Science Gateways; >>More

05-21-20: Received NSF Award for a project titled “OAC Core: Conversational Agents for Supporting Sustainable Implementation and Systemic Diffusion of Cyberinfrastructure and Science Gateways”; >>More

04-29-20: Komal Vekaria successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Bring-your-own Plug-in Management for Next-generation Science Gateway Applications", and joined TCS; Congratulations Komal!

04-14-20: Ronny Bazan Antequera successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Custom Templates Based Heterogeneous Recourse Allocation for Data-Intensive Applications", and joined MU as a Professor of Practice; Congratulations Ronny!

04-10-20: Invited Talk in the Aquila Clouds Industry Webinar Series; Title: Multi-cloud Brokering for Secure and High-performance Cloud-based Applications; >>More

04-06-20: Invited Talk at Missouri S&T University, Rolla; Title: Usable Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing our Quality of Life

12-17-19: Received NSF Award for a project titled “REU SITE: Research in Consumer Networking Technologies”; >>More

11-27-19: Aniket Gulhane successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Systematic Assessment of Security, Privacy and Usability of Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications", and joined Paycom; Congratulations Aniket!

11-08-19: Invited Talk at NSF Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI), Coimbra, Portugal; Title: Dynamic Edge/Cloud Computation Offloading and Control for Drone Video Analytics

10-05-19: Recognition of "Professor of the Game" / Mizzou Athletics Classroom Champion for cyber security research excellence during a Mizzou Football Home Game; >>More

09-24-19: Attended NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop in Minneapolis, MN

09-01-19: Received UM System Tier-1 Award as PI for project titled “UM System Community Cyberinfrastructure Instrument”; >>More

07-26-19: Successfully co-led the team for MU designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research; >>More

08-31-19: Dmitrii Chemodanov successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Reliable Service Chain Orchestration for Scalable Data-Intensive Computing at Infrastructure Edges", and joined Google; Congratulations Dmitrii!

08-31-19: Sai Swathi Sivarathri successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Knowledge Embedding based Recommendations using a Deep Generative Model", and joined Cerner; Congratulations Sai Swathi!

07-26-19: Successfully led the third year of the NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (12th program offering); >>More

07-18-19: Organized the 5th Edition of Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”

04-22-19: Presented an Invited Talk titled “Blockchain based Cooperative Threat Intelligence Sharing for Cyber Defense” at the Blockchain KC Conference, Kansas City

03-16-19: VIMAN Lab wins First prize for the College of Engineering’s 2019 Engineers Week Lab Exhibit Competition

02-19-19: Invited Talk at Case Western Reserve University; Title: Usable Cybersecurity - Foundations and Cloud-hosted Application Case Studies

02-13-19: Invited talk at Florida International University; Title: Usable Artificial Intelligence - Improving Access of Data and Computation for Decision Makers

02-08-19: Invited talk at the University of Texas at San Antonio; Title: Role of Academia in Leading Open Cloud Innovations through Research, Education, Infrastructure and Outreach

12-15-18: Arjun Chandrashekara Ankathatti successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Fuzzy-Based Conversational Recommender for Data intensive Science Gateway Applications", and joined AmericanEagle; Congratulations Arjun!

012-15-18: Jon Patman successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Intelligence-Driven Edge Computing for Visual Cloud Computing Systems", and joined VUHL; Congratulations Jon!

12-15-18: Songjie Wang successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Cost-Performance Trade-offs in Fog Computing for IoT Data Processing of Social Virtual Reality", and joined MU; Congratulations Songjie!

12-15-18: Ramya Payyavula successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Cyber Defense Learning Modules for Securing Cloud-based Applications", and joined CarFax; Congratulations Ramya!

12-15-18: Radha Krishna Talluri successfully defended his MS Project titled “Software and Cyber Automation for Data-intensive Science Training with Jupyter Notebooks, and joined LenderClose; Congratulations Radha Krishna!

11-21-18: Invited talk at U. of Oregon; Title: Usable Cybersecurity - Foundations and Cloud-hosted Application Case Studies

09-25-18: Attended NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop in U. of Maryland, College Park

09-01-18: Appointed as Director of the Cyber Education and Research Initiative (CERI) for the MU College of Engineering to lead multi-disciplinary efforts in the area of Big Data Cyberinfrastructure

07-20-18: Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure; Received MU College of Engineering's "Robert H. Buescher Faculty Fellow honor"; >>More

07-27-18: Successfully led the second year of the NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies (11th program offering); >>More

07-19-18: Organized a Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”; >>More

06-29-18: Received NSF Award for a project titled “CC* Integration: End-to-End Performance and Security Driven Federated Data-Intensive Workflow Management”; >>More

04-25-18: Sai Shreya Nuguri successfully defended her MS Thesis titled “Cloud-based Framework for Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications”, and joined Informatica; Congratulations Sai Shreya! #MizzouMade

04-09-18: Led a student team that won 2nd Prize in the “Cyber Challenge” sponsored by Equifax at the 2018 SEC Academic Conference on Cyber Security; >>More

11-29-17: Roshan Neupane successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Cyber Defense using Pretense against DDoS Attacks in Cloud Platforms”, and joined InnoWave; Congratulations Roshan!

11-28-17: Huy Trinh successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Energy-aware Mobile Edge Computing for Low-latency Visual Data Processing”, and joined Columbia College; Congratulations Huy!

11-02-17: Invited Keynote Talk at U. of Oregon, Eugene in the GENI Regional Workshop; Title: "Edge Computing: New Paradigm Challenges and Emerging Solutions"

10-27-17: Received MU's "2017 Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award - Graduate/Professional Teaching"; >>More

10-06-17: Co-organized Neuro Big Data and Cyberinfrastructure Symposium in MU Life Sciences Center; >>More

10-02-17: Attended NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop in Albuquerque, NM

07-27-17: Successfully led the first year of our renewed NSF REU on Consumer Networking Technologies; >>More

07-17-17: Organized a Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”; >>More

07-12-17: Received NSF CyberTraining Award for project titled “DSE: Self-Service Training Modules for Data-intensive Neuroscience Learning and Research”; >>More

06-25-17: Attended Smart and Connected Communities Researchers' Summit in Austin, TX; Presented demo on “Visual Cloud Computing for Public Safety”

05-5-17: Bidyut Mukherjee successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Lightweight IoT Security Middleware for End-to-End Cloud-Fog Communication”, and joined Cerner; Congratulations Bidyut!

04-14-17: VIMAN Lab Project in collaboration with the School of Medicine titled "Improving Use Accessibility and Security of a Health Big Data EcoSystem" won the '2017 Mizzou Lifescience Innovation Group Award Poster'; Congratulations, Matthew and Team!

04-13-17: Invited talk at U. of Texas at Dallas in the International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing; Title: "Visual Cloud Computing and Networking: Foundations and Application Case Studies"

04-05-17: Serving on the Advisory Board for the 2018 SEC Academic Conference on Cyber Security

03-21-17: Attended NSF REU PI Meeting in Arlington, VA

03-17-17: Awarded the "Outstanding Junior Faculty Award for Teaching" at the Annual MU College of Engineering Awards Dinner

03-14-17: VIMAN Lab Project titled "Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking in GENI" won the 'First Prize Award in the International GENI Experiment Demonstration Contest'; Congratulations Dmitrii! >>More

12-16-16: Received NSF REU Award for project titled “Research in Consumer Networking Technologies”; >>Call for Applications

12-8-16: Attended DOE Smart Networks Workshop in Rockville, MD; Presented talk on “Cybersecurity for Smart Networks and Applications”

12-6-16: Duo Jiang successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Hierarchical Cloud-Fog Platform for Communication in Disaster Incident Coordination”, and joined Amazon; Congratulations Duo!

12-5-16: Rui Huang successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Intelligent User Interfaces for Internet-of-Things based Web Applications”, and joined WestMatrix; Congratulations Rui!

10-28-16: Matthew Dickinson successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Multi-Cloud Performance and Security Driven Federated Workflow Management", and joined Twitter; Congratulations Matthew!

10-23-16: Attended NSF Large-scale Networking Platforms ‘Communities of Practice’ Workshop in Arlington, VA; Presented talk on “Wireless Protocol Testbeds to develop Hierarchical Cloud-Fog Platforms for Communication in Disaster Incident Coordination”

10-21-16: Received DOE Industrial Assessment Center Award to “Assist Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to increase their Energy Efficiency, Cyber Security and Competitiveness”

9-28-16: Serving as Guest Editor for Springer Quality and Usability Journal SI on "Managing QoE of Future Networks and Applications"; >>More

9-16-16: Received NSF US Ignite (Focus Area 1) Award for a project titled “A Networked Virtual Reality Platform for Immersive Online Social Learning of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders”; >>More

9-7-16: Received NSF US Ignite (Focus Area 2) Award for a project titled “Resilient Virtual Path Management for Scalable Data-intensive Computing at Network-Edges”; >>More

08-03-16: Invited talk at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay (IIT-B); Title: "Application-Driven Software-Defined Networking for Data-Intensive Science"

07-25-16: Organized a Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”

07-20-16: Minh Nguyen successfully defended his MS Thesis titled “Frequency-Minimal Utility-Maximizing Cloud Resource Allocation for Moving Target Defense”, and joined CUNY for his Ph.D.; Congratulations Minh!

07-19-16: Samaikya Valluripally successfully defended her MS Thesis titled "End-to-End Security Formalization using Portunes Algebra in Federated Workflow Management", and joined VIMAN Lab for Ph.D.; Congratulations Samaikya!

06-29-16: Attended IEEE Cloud Conference in San Francisco; Presented a paper in the Research Track titled "End-to-End Security Formalization and Alignment for Federated Workflow Management"

05-05-16: Presented a Guest Lecture titled 'Why and How to go into the Business of Innovation' in the MU Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talk Series

04-28-16: VIMAN Lab Project titled "Panacea's Cloud: Augmented reality for mass casualty disaster incident triage and co-ordination" won the  2016 Mizzou Advantage Interdisciplinary Research Award'; Congratulations Team!

04-13-16: Attended the MU Cyberinfrastructure Day; Served as Panelist in Session on 'Cyberinfrastructure Engineer Talents and Training Needs'

04-11-16: Attended the University of Missouri Faculty Scholars' Teaching Training Retreat on 'Integrating Course Design for Significant Learning' at Lake of the Ozarks, MO

03-18-16: Awarded the "Outstanding Junior Faculty Award for Research" at the Annual MU College of Engineering Awards Dinner

03-17-16: Hosted an Open House Event to showcase VIMAN Lab Research as part of the 'Engineer's Week at Mizzou' (E-Week) celebrations

02-14-16: Attended IEEE ICNC Conference in Kauai, Hawaii; Presented a paper titled "Frequency-Minimal Moving Target Defense using Software Defined Networking"

02-02-16: Attended 'DOE Workshop on Network Research Problems and Challenges for Scientists' in Bethesda, MD; Accepted Whitepaper titled "Research Defined Networks for Big Data Science Applications"

01-28-16: Attended and Organized NSF Workshop on ‘Applications and Services in the Year 2021’; Served as Chair; >>Workshop Report and Program

01-12-16: Attended IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference in Las Vegas, NV; Presented a paper titled "Intelligent Dashboard for Augmented Reality based Incident Command Response Co-ordination"; Presented demo titled "Panacea's Cloud: Augmented reality for mass casualty disaster incident triage and co-ordination" in IEEE Booth at the Consumer Electronics Show; >>More

12-05-15: Serving as Co-Chair of IEEE/IFIP Workshop on QoE Centric Management (QCMan 2016); >>More

12-01-15: Longhai Cui successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Software-Defined Measurement to Support Programmable Networking for SoyKB", and joined Dish Networks; Congratulations Longhai!

11-20-15: Attended Cybersecurity Conference hosted by the University of Missouri – St. Louis; Presented a talk titled "Moving Target Defense for Resilient Cloud Computing"

10-20-15: Attended ESnet/Internet2 Operating Innovative Networks (OIN) Workshop, Washington University – St. Louis; Presented a talk titled "Science DMZ Integration for Hybrid Cloud Computing Needs of Data-intensive Science Applications"

10-08-15: Attended IEEE Cloud Networking Conference in Niagara Falls, Canada; Presented a paper titled "DIPS-Mon: Data Integrity Protection through Security Monitoring for Just-in-Time News Feeds"; Served as Session Chair

09-29-15: Attended NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop in Austin, TX; Presented an Invited Talk on “Custom Templates for Reusable Composition of Data-intensive Application Workflows”

07-24-15: Organized a Summers@Mizzou Engineering Camp for High-school Students to deliver Hands-on Training on “Network Forensics for Hacker Trackers”

06-18-15: Attended 23rd GENI Engineering Conference at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Presented Plenary Talk/Demo titled "Factory of the future: Advanced Manufacturing App Marketplace", and presented an invited talk titled "Using GENI, CloudLab and AWS together within a Cloud Computing course"; Served as Lead Organizer for the GENI User Opt-in Session

05-15-15: Received Coulter Foundation Award for project titled "Panacea's Glass: Hands-free Augmented Reality System for Mass Casualty Disaster Triage


05-11-15: Organized IEEE/IFIP Workshop on QoE Centric Management (QCMan) in Ottawa, Canada; Served as Co-Chair; Presented a paper titled "Benchmarking in Virtual Desktops for End-to-End Performance Traceability"

05-11-15: Attended IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) in Ottawa, Canada; Presented paper titled "Ontology Integration for Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration in Cloud Platforms", and a poster titled "LIDAR-based Virtual Environment Study for Disaster Response Scenarios"; Served as Session Chair

04-21-15: Ravi Akella successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Secured Middleground for User and Service Integration in Federated Network Monitoring", and joined DST Systems; Congratulations Ravi!

04-20-15: Amit Kumar Akula successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "App Chaining Software-as-a-Service for an Advanced Manufacturing Marketplace", and joined IBM; Congratulations Amit!

03-23-15: Attended 22nd GENI Engineering Conference at George Washington University; Presented Demo/Poster titled "Advanced Manufacturing App Marketplace", and invited talks titled "Using GENI in Large Classes within a Cloud Computing Course" and "User Opt-in Experiences in GENI Experiments"

03-23-15: Attended US Ignite Application Summit at George Washington University; Presented Invited Talk/Demo titled "Synchronized Big Data Analytics for Personalized and Remote Physical Therapy"

03-17-15: Attended Advanced Research Computing on Campuses Workshop (ARCC) at Clemson University; Presented talk titled "MU Cyberinfrastructure Design to Enable Data-intensive Research and Education"

03-09-15: Attended IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) in Tempe, AZ; Presented paper titled "Resource Defragmentation using Market-Driven Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds", and participated in a panel with invited position talk titled "Convergence of Cloud, Big Data and Mobile in Smart and Connected Health" at IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Analytics (IWCA)

01-21-15: Attended NSF-supported Internet2 Focused Technical Workshop (FTW) on perfSONAR, Columbus, OH; Presented invited plenary talk titled "Software-Defined Multi-Domain Performance Monitoring"

12-10-14: Presented a paper at IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) titled "In-the-know: Recommendation Framework for City-supported Hybrid Cloud Services"

11-28-14: Serving as Co-Chair of IEEE/IFIP Workshop on QoE Centric Management (QCMan 2015); >>More

11-21-14: Trung Nguyen successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Benchmarking in Virtual Desktops for End-To-End Performance Traceability", and joined AT&T; Congratulations Trung!

11-12-14: Ronny Bazan Antequera successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Custom Templates for Hybrid Cloud Resources Orchestration of User Workflows", and joined VIMAN Lab for his Ph.D.; Congratulations Ronny!

10-20-14: Attended 21st GENI Engineering Conference at Indiana University, Bloomington; Presented Demo/Poster titled "Ontology Integration for Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration in Cloud Platforms"

10-06-14: Attended IEEE Cloud Networking Conference in Luxembourg; Presented a paper titled "ADON: Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a Service for Data-Intensive Science"

09-18-14: Selected to Participate in 2014 - 2015 University of Missouri Faculty Scholars Program

09-16-14: Attended DOE PI Meeting in DC; Presented Talk titled "Correlated Network Anomaly Detection and Secured Middleground for Federated Network Monitoring"; Served as Moderator for a Security Panel

09-08-14: Serving as Tutorial Chair of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MobileCloud 2015); >>More

09-04-14: Serving as Guest Editor for International Journal on Network Management (IJNM) SI on "Advances in Management of Multimedia Services"; >>More

09-01-14: Received NSF MRI Award for project titled "Acquisition of Instrument for Data-intensive Applications with Hybrid Cloud Computing Needs"

09-01-14: Received NSF CC*IIE Award for project titled "Exploration of Roles and Tools to Fulfill Diverse Researcher Needs in Collaborative Environments"

07-24-14: Shravya Ramisetty successfully defended her MS Project titled "Ontology Integration for Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration in Cloud Platforms", and joined IBM; Congratulations Shravya!

06-24-14: Invited Talk/Demo titled "Interactive Interface for Remote Physical Therapy" at US Ignite Summit in Sunnyvale, CA

06-20-14: Attended 20th GENI Engineering Conference at UC Davis; Presented a Demo titled "Hybrid Cloud Experiments with GENI for Simulation as-a-Service"

06-06-14: VIMAN Lab Research is Cover Feature for Mizzou Engineer Magazine; "VIMAN Lab pushes the virtual network computing envelope"; >>More

04-23-14: Abdulrahman Althobaiti successfully defended his MS Project titled "Data Integrity Threats and Protection for Just-in-Time News Feeds"; Congratulations Abdul!

04-21-14: Sripriya Seetharam successfully defended her MS Thesis titled "ADON: An Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a-Service for Data Intensive Science", did a summer internship at LBNL/ESnet, and joined Brocade; Congratulations Sripriya!

02-20-14: Attended and Organized NSF perfSONAR Workshop in Arlington, VA; Served as Co-Chair; >>Workshop Report and Program

02-03-14: Attended IEEE ICNC Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii; Presented invited-paper titled "Wide-area Overlay Networking to Manage Accelerated Science DMZ Flows", and another paper titled "Time-based Criteria for Performance Comparison of Resource-Intensive User Tasks in Virtual Desktops"; Served as Session Chair for Invited Papers

11-30-13: Serving as Co-Chair and Lead Organizer for the NSF Workshop on perfSONAR based Multi-domain Network Performance Measurement and Monitoring; >>More

11-18-13: Demo at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2013 Conference (SC13); Title: "Wide-area Overlay Networking to Manage Science DMZ Accelerated Flows"

11-15-13: Invited talk at University of Missouri-Kansas City; Title: "Design and Verification of Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications"

10-08-13: Invited Talk at NSF Workshop on GENI in Education, Brooklyn, NY in conjunction with 17th GENI Engineering Conference; Title: "GENI Lab Exercises for a Cloud Computing Course"

10-14-13: Attended IEEE CNSM Conference in Zurich, Switzerland; Presented a short-paper titled "OnTimeSecure: Secure Middleware for Federated Network Performance Monitoring"

10-08-13: Invited Talk at US Ignite ONF GENI Workshop, Sunnyvale, CA; Title: "QoE-Aware Traffic Steering using OpenFlow"

09-13-13: Received GENI Solicitation-4 Award from Raytheon-BBN for project titled "Hybrid Cloud Experiments with GENI for Multi-site Opt-in Use Cases"

09-13-13: Received VMware Research Gift for a continuation of the project titled "VMLab: Infrastructure to Support Desktop Virtualization Experiments for Research and Education"

09-09-13: Received NSF US Ignite EAGER Award for project titled "GENI-Enabled In-Home, Personalized Health Monitoring and Coaching" to work in Google Fiberhoods in Kansas City, MO

07-03-13: Received Cisco Research Award for project titled "Dual-mode GENI Rack for supporting Domain Science Use Cases on Campuses"

06-22-13: Attended US Ignite Summit in Chicago, IL; Presented a demo on "City-supported Simulation-as-a-Service for Advanced Manufacturing Small Business"; Demo Won - Best US Ignite Application for Advanced Manufacturing!

05-27-13: Attended IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) in Ghent, Belgium; Presented a paper titled "Leveraging OpenFlow for Resource Placement of Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications"

04-22-13: Sudharsan Rajagopalan successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Leveraging OpenFlow for Resource Placement of Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications" at The Ohio State University, and joined Cisco; Congratulations Sudharsan!

04-22-13: Saravanan Mohan successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Feasibility Study of Hybrid Cloud Adoption in Education and Manufacturing" at The Ohio State University, and joined Cisco; Congratulations Saravanan!

04-22-13: Arunprasath Selvadhurai successfully defended his MS Thesis titled "Network Measurement Tool Components for Enabling Performance Intelligence within Cloud-based Applications" at The Ohio State University, and joined Amazon; Congratulations Arun!

04-03-13: Shweta Kulkarni successfully defended her MS Thesis titled "Secure Middleware for Federated Network Performance Monitoring" at The Ohio State University, and joined Intel; Congratulations Shweta!

03-19-13: Attended 16th GENI Engineering Conference; Presented a paper titled "Advanced Manufacturing Use Cases and Early Results in GENI Infrastructure" in the GREE2013 Workshop; >>More

02-19-13: Invited talk at Missouri S&T; Title: Leveraging Software-defined Networking for Resource Adaptation of Virtual Desktop Cloud Applications; >>More

02-08-13: Serving as a Guest Editor - CFP: IEEE Communications Magazine - Monitoring and Troubleshooting Multi-domain Networks using Measurement Federations; >>More

02-06-13: Dublink Ignite project "Simulation-as-a-Service for Advanced Manufacturing" was one of the winning entries in the Mozilla Ignite Challenge; >>More

01-07-13: Attended the NSF CC-NIE/GENI Workshop in DC